Dr. Cristina Rodriguez Dds is listed as being located at: AMIDA DENTAL 9824 FONDREN RD in Houston, Texas. View mobile directions, phone numbers, area map, and other nearby (same city) oral healthcare professionals.
Dr. Cristina Rodriguez Dds
Houston, Texas 77096
Phone: 713-270-8555
fax: 713-270-8268
Get mobile directions from current location:
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6516 John Freeman St
1722 Sunset Blvd
2615 Southwest Fwy
8475 Highway 6 North
12804 Gulf Fwy
2900 Weslayan St
2900 Weslayan St
700 Louisiana St
2450 Fondren Rd
791 Town And Country Blvd
22540 State Highway 249
7500 San Felipe St