Dr. Rex Baumgartner Dds is listed as being located at: 25078 PEACHLAND AVE # H in Newhall, California. View mobile directions, phone numbers, area map, and other nearby (same city) oral healthcare professionals.
Dr. Rex Baumgartner Dds
Newhall, California 91321
Phone: 661-259-3600
fax: 661-259-3710
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24318 Walnut St
25061 N Peachland Ave
22817 Lyons Ave
23033 Lyons Ave Ste 5
19310 Avenue Of The Oaks
19310 Avenue Of The Oaks
26316 Friendly Valley Parkway
23450 Lyons Ave
23206 Lyons Ave
24264 San Fernando Rd
25078 Peachland Ave # H
24036 Lyons Ave