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Dr. John Jeffries Dmd in Williamsburg, Kentucky

Home Kentucky Williamsburg

Dr. John Jeffries Dmd is listed as being located at: 317 MAIN ST in Williamsburg, Kentucky. View mobile directions, phone numbers, area map, and other nearby (same city) oral healthcare professionals.

Dr. John Jeffries Dmd Directions and Phone Number

Dr. John Jeffries Dmd
Williamsburg, Kentucky 40769

Phone: 606-549-5300

fax: 606-549-1866

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Additional Dentists and oral health providers in Williamsburg

212 N 4th St

317 Main St

432 Main Street

821 South Hwy 25 W

821 South Hwy 25 W

640 W Highway 92

640 W Highway 92 Ste 3

821 S Highway 25 W

841. S. Hwy 25w Suite 9

821 S Hwy 25w

640 W Highway 92 Ste 3

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