John Lazzara, Dds, Pa is listed as being located at: 4184 3RD ST S in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. View mobile directions, phone numbers, area map, and other nearby (same city) oral healthcare professionals.
John Lazzara, Dds, Pa
4184 3RD ST S
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250
Phone: 904-270-8750
fax: 904-270-8755
Get mobile directions from current location:
or enter a starting address:
227 11th Ave S
220 3rd Ave S
220 3rd Ave S
472 Jacksonville Dr
1300 Marsh Landing Pkwy Ste 112
3984 3rd St S
3540 3rd St S
474 Jacksonville Dr
324 3rd Ave N
1361 13th Ave S
1541 The Greens Way
120 9th Ave N